George Saoulidis
George Saoulidis is your new favourite bitcoin writer. Find all his stuff at
This Case Filing from Swan Bitcoin Reads Like a Movie Thriller
This article details a dramatic corporate conspiracy within the Bitcoin mining industry. Former Swan employees, led by Raphael Zagury (Swan’s ex-Chief...
From Bitcoin to IBAN, Is It Really That Easy?
Bringin, a platform for buying and selling Bitcoin, has recently released updates for its web and mobile apps. These updates aim...
What is This New Brand That All the Bitcoiners Seem to Wear?
You have seen the t-shirts. You have seen the bucket hats, the beautiful merch. You have seen them in bitcoin conferences,...
Is it better to MINE or BUY BTC?
This is a question I get from a lot of my students. Is it worth mining bitcoin or is it better...
Running a Bitcoin Node is No Longer Good Enough
The UK just changed the game. It has been happening in the Western world with the whole Canadian Truckers debacle where...
It’s Time to Get Fit in These Bitcoin Sportswear Outfits by 21 Rebel Store
21 Rebel Store is a new Austrian store that is making some serious waves in the bitcoin fashion space. Show your...
Why Do FIRE Guys Never Seem to Grasp Bitcoin?
For us bitcoiners, the FIRE mentality makes sense. FIRE means Financial Independence Retire Early, and it’s a group of people online...
Pretty Girls Reading the Bitcoin Standard
People need to study bitcoin, and the best way to inspire someone to do that is by showing them photos of...
You’re One Step Away From Winning a Ticket to Bitcoin Nashville
Bitcoin Nashville is gearing up to be the biggest bitcoin event of the year and it’s happening in just a few...
How to Take on the Corporate Miners? The Answer Might Be Found In the Community Approach
They posted this lovely comparison in Price-to-Hash Ratio of Public Bitcoin Mining Companies, the top miners in the world: Seems...
Quick Reads
From Bitcoin to IBAN, Is It Really That Easy?
Bringin, a platform for buying and selling Bitcoin, has recently released updates for its web and mobile apps. These updates aim...
Bitcoin Mining and the Future of Sustainable Energy
“Without cheap, reliable, and plentiful energy, our civilization would grind to a halt, and billions of people would be condemned to...