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Breedlove Got Into an Ice Barrel and Bitcoin Twitter Lost Their Minds
Bitcoin Memes

Breedlove Got Into an Ice Barrel and Bitcoin Twitter Lost Their Minds 

Robert Breedlove posted on twitter about going through some personal stuff and he showed this photo of him in a 1000 dollar ice barrel.

Going through some personal adversity over the past several weeks, but instead of letting my inner-weakling defeat me, I chose to discipline him with a daily dose of intense weight training, cold plunge, and meditation. #ProofOfWork solves every problem.


Understandably, the memers lost their minds. Here are some great ones.

No matter what you think, Breedlove is a net benefit for bitcoin. He managed to get Michael Saylor to talk for hours giving us the unique experience of What is Money? The Saylor Series. And he’s a good thinker. It’s easy to pick on someone so popular but he’s a wonderful example of a family man showing proof of work in the bitcoin space. We should all try to be more like him.

And I’m not even a fan of his. I don’t like his smart-sounding words, I believe we should explain things simply. But I can’t say he’s not doing good in the space, that would be silly.

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