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How Does it Feel Falling Down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole? Kinda Like This
Bitcoin Art

How Does it Feel Falling Down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole? Kinda Like This 

In one of his trippiest artworks ever (and that’s says something for this specific artist) Lucho Poletti has given us a taste of what it feels like falling down the bitcoin rabbit hole.

It is deep. It is endless. It might break your mind.

Down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole 🕳️🐇

Falling down the bitcoin rabbit hole is a fascinating and eye-opening experience. For many (such as myself) it starts with learning the fundamental flaws of the fiat money system: inflation, government control, and the ability for banks and the wealthy to manipulate the economy.

Lucho Poletti

Here’s the tweet:

Click to experience the swirly thing.

There’s a link to the Superrare NFT if you’re interested in that tweet thread.

Video mirrored here in case something happens to it:

Visit the artist’s site here

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