Bitcoin Pizza Day in Athens! Had lots of fun and lots of pizza.

A bunch of Athenian crypto communities joined in this time as sponsors and guests. Big thanks to everyone.
- PizzaDAO: https://www.globalpizzaparty.xyz/
- Bitcoin Meetup Greece: https://www.meetup.com/blockchaingreece-0/
- DeFi Greece: https://www.meetup.com/defi-greece/
- Athens Labs: https://www.athenslabs.io/
- Above Olympus: https://www.above-olympus.com/
- Jab Labs: https://www.jablabs.io/
- Amplify Global: https://www.amplifyglobal.io
- M0NA: https://twitter.com/MuseumOfNFTArt
- Love is Bitcoin: https://loveisbitcoin.com/
- Crust Athens at Monastiraki for graciously hosting us!

That’s Maria attacking the pizza with extra fervor. Follow her on instagram https://www.instagram.com/filippidimaria/

Our co-organizer Natali. The other organizer got stuck at the airport and I forgot to take a photo afterwards. You can find our bitcoin events on meetup. https://www.meetup.com/blockchaingreece-0/. We have many guest speakers and English events as well, if you’re in Athens please reach out and we’ll be happy to meet you!

And a special guest, the Little HODLer. You can get yours from Shopinbit here https://loveisbitcoin.com/littlehodler or the Panties For Bitcoin version with the coupon code LOVEISBITCOIN here https://loveisbitcoin.com/panties

The guys from Above Olympus. A very creative bunch. https://www.above-olympus.com/

Here’s me with my Absolut Bitcoin t-shirt. You can get one of these designs from https://satoshistore.io/collections/absolut-bitcoin-collection. I’m not short, these guys are too tall.

Vasilis Pazopoulos, educator and writer for bitcoin. Follow him on twitter https://twitter.com/vpazopoulos. You can find his Greek bitcoin investing book at https://bitcoinbooks.gr/

Some nice moments at the DJ set with Jason Rovis. We had fun.

The girls loved the design. You can get the Love is Bitcoin t-shirt from Satoshistore with the coupon code LOVEISBITCOIN. https://satoshistore.io/collections/love-is-bitcoin
All in all we had lots of beer and pizza, we laughed with old friends and made a few new ones.
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