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Looking For a Bitcoin Bikini? Here Are 3 Of Them
Bitcoin Fashion

Looking For a Bitcoin Bikini? Here Are 3 Of Them 

It’s hot enough for a swim in the sea. At least that’s the situation in Greece, with tourists flocking from all over the world to enjoy the sun and the Aegean sea. I know all you bullish people want to catch some sun and play with your kids. Why not do it in bitcoin style?

Here are not one, but three options for a bitcoin bikini you can get for yourself if you’re a woman or as a gift to that special lady in your life. Scroll to the bottom for a male swim trunks option as well.

Bitcoin Wear High-Waisted Bikini

It’s too easy to fall in love with this bikini set. Removable pads and its double-layer make it comfy to wear all day by the pool or at the beach. Get it from Bitcoin Wear

Get it with the coupon code LOVEISBITCOIN for 10% off.

The Original Bitkini

The bitkini comes in two main options, the normal bikini with bitcoin logo or artwork on it, or the QR code lighting enabled option where people can zap you directly! It’s an interesting proof of concept and you can find it here for a mere 21 fiatbucks.

Velvet Blue’s Art Bikini

VelvetBlue wearing her own design. You can get it from with the coupon code LOVEISBITCOIN for a discount! Contact VelvetBlue directly for lightning payments or bulk discounts.

And since you’re planning to go to the beach, why not get a pair of Bitcoiner’s Swim Trunks as well?

Get them from Bitcoinerscloset with, you guessed it, the coupon code LOVEISBITCOIN for a discount.

Bitcoin Wear has quality bitcoin merch, jackets, t-shirts and accessories. Use the coupon code LOVEISBITCOIN for a 10% discount

Bitkini. By utilizing Bitcoin QR codes within the pattern, Bitkini allows onlookers with an equipped smartphone to send tips to your Bitcoin wallet by simply scanning the pattern on your Bitkini! Get it here

VelvetBlue’s Art is an Etsy store with designs by the artist. Whimsical and dark art, apparel, Bitcoin Swag and Merch. Use the coupon code LOVEISBITCOIN for 10% off. Contact her directly for lightning payments and even better deals.

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