✎ Written by AZA 21M: sharp mind with a creative soul, living a nomadic lifestyle for many years now, member of the BFF team.
When we think about Binema, which is a combination of Bitcoin and Cinema, as we often fondly call the space that our project supports, what exactly should we assume? Will it be only movies that talk about sound money – hard money, you name it, or could it be any independent films that, through their storytelling, reveal truths that mainstream cinema avoids because they are too controversial, too strong, or simply speaking because they contradict the narratives of the system we all live in?
These questions often come up when discussing Bitcoin FilmFest. Personally, and not speaking on behalf of the entire project, just as an individual who is a small part of it: I don’t think we should limit ourselves to independent cinema only.
Cinema often serves as a window through which we see the world, Bitcoin is the cloth that clears the steam or sometimes even dirt, allowing us to see a true reality.
(Şelale Malkoçoğlu / AZA_21M)
Before I get any deeper, I want to clarify that I’m not particularly fond of mainstream films. I don’t have accounts on Amazon Prime or Netflix. However, as a digital nomad, I’ve used these platforms a few times when they were available in some of the places I stayed. I didn’t mean to completely ignore them. Neither can I deny that both platforms have brought about significant changes to the entire film industry.
At a high level, they have revolutionized distribution by enabling global audiences to access content instantly; they have enhanced accessibility by allowing viewing on various devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets; they have fostered diversity by facilitating the production of a wider range of content; and ultimately, they have transformed business models with the rise of subscription-based streaming services.
I don’t think they’re completely bad, but honestly, I believe they waste more than they provide. The majority of their offerings are simply filled with mediocre content—shallow, predictable plots, repetitive scenes, and clichéd narratives that seem to brainwash people.
Well, that’s how I see most mainstream film productions. If you disagree, that’s fine. I haven’t seen everything available, and maybe some new productions aren’t so poor.
Anyways, back to Binema and questions I stared this article with: what really makes a good Bitcoin film, what kind of films do really deserve to be included in this space? Let me actually pose another important question in this context…
![Bitcoin FilmFest - Quote](https://loveisbitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Bitcoin-Cinema-vs-Independent-Films-1024x445.png)
In order to answer this question, it is worth exploring what could potentially define Bitcoin culture. Since cinema is a part of culture, every cinematic space should be its reflection; therefore, Bitcoin Cinema should be consistent with Bitcoin culture.
In my humble opinion, shared by Rabbits from the BFF team and hopefully by you as well, Bitcoin culture embodies truth, independence, freedom, logical or critical thinking, as well as sensitivity, creativity, appreciation and recognition of all that defines us as humans.
This is just a simplified summary, but I believe that it captures the essence of what ‘sound films’ should convey.
I won’t touch upon the category of films created by Bitcoiners, as such productions naturally adhere to the above values. Nor will I talk about films funded with Bitcoin. Though, funding is a significant topic in itself to explore—something that, on one hand, if done in the right way, could foster the growth of Binema. On the other hand, as long as it’s based on ‘broken’ money, it is eroding legacy cinema in so many ways these days.
Let’s focus on the storytelling, values and plots
Given the above, and considering even mainstream productions from the past, I dare to say that Binema doesn’t have to be limited to independent films. Looking back over the years, and just listing a few examples, it seems that there used to be titles that are close to Bitcoin culture.
As Martin Scorsese said:
Cinema is a matter of what’s in the frame and what’s out.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Largely agreeing with this statement, I often wonder why there aren’t more ‘good films’ being made nowadays. Especially if there are, given the ‘revolutions’ initiated by Netflix or Amazon, why do more ambitious productions so often get lost in the sea of mediocrity, predictability, and storytelling nonsense? Is it due to the corrupted fiat culture that, like a virus, has taken over the entire mainstream film industry—poisoning the very source from screenwriters to producers, directors, and actors— not giving honest creators a chance? Or is it us, views who due to short-term preferences and excessive consumerism overall prefer quicker and shallower productions? One way or another, this is a complex topic and deserves a separate article. The fact is, if you don’t know what it’s about, it’s about money. And when money is corrupted, everything related to it will be too…
Non-Bitcoin (Mainstream) Films with Bitcoin Ethos
Below are a few titles that deserve the status of Bitcoin Cinema. In fact, looking at the reactions of some followers of the Bitcoin FilmFest profile on Twitter, many other Bitcoiners like them as well.
You might have expected ‘The Matrix’ to be here. Well, surprise, you won’t find it in this article (at least not explicitly). Not because I’m excluding it, but quite the opposite—it’d likely be at the top of the list, arguably even considered one of the ‘best documentaries of our time.’ However, I’ve chosen not to list it directly because the choice would be rather obvious. Instead, I’ve picked out four other titles that might surprise you or provide inspiration, and ‘The Matrix’ will also be referenced in relation to them…
Ready? Here we go!
Equilibrium is a story that, much like The Matrix, depicts a breakthrough – transcending the boundaries of the system in which we live, enabling us to finally grasp the truth of reality. Again we find a theme of oppression, mass manipulation, psychosis, and the struggle against these forces.
![EQUILIBRIUM (2002) - Bitcoin FilmFest](https://loveisbitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Equilibrium-300x222.png)
The film itself portrays a dystopian future where all forms of emotion are illegal, yet it strongly triggers, if not challenges, deep emotions in viewers. Such creativity and execution truly distinguish it from many other productions. The idea of suppressing our feelings also carries significant weight; after all, what would humanity be without them, in fact, the very essential aspects of our existence? As Mary one of the characters nicely out it ‘Without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock ticking.’
Let me also add two quotes that may closely resonate with Bitcoin ethos and its culture:
It is not the message that is important, but our obedience to it…
The only thing more powerful than the system is the man who will overthrow it.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
It’s a movie about fighting against tyranny, oppression, regime. The main character, V (played by Hugo Weaving, who, by the way, in The Matrix took on the role of a bad character, Agent Smith), might seem like what the current media would name ‘a terrorist’, in fact, actually embodies the essence of rebellion and resistance against oppression. V demonstrates intelligence in breaking free, showing that there are no limits when the fight is for the sake of truth and freedom.
The film also reflects a lot of what’s happening in our world today. While we’re not all living under a totalitarian regime (yet), we’re still far from being truly free in so many ways.
What’s more, V’s mask has become a powerful symbol of resistance, anonymity and standing up for what’s right. There’re also plenty of quotes from this movie that could serve us as nuggets of wisdom:
Where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.
Our masters have not heard the people’s voice for generations and it is much, much louder than they care to remember.
The time has come for you to live without fear.
On one hand, this film serves as a metaphor for modern society, where media, corporations, and even people whom you might have thought were your family or friends manipulate reality for their own profits. On the other hand, it illustrates how ‘comfortably’ we can live if we choose not to see the truth for what it really is, not questioning too much while simply accepting the status quo.
![THE TRUMAN SHOW (1998) - Bitcoin FilmFest](https://loveisbitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Truman-300x204.png)
Truman’s world can be interpreted in various ways, from being trapped in 24-hour surveillance and living in an alternate reality, to superficial and manipulated desires—commercials where everything is geared toward quick and easy gains. Although Truman is just an ordinary individual, presented as an average “Joe” leading a comfortable life—who wouldn’t like that?—he still starts questioning the status quo. It’s actually his curiosity that leads him to uncover the truth, which, to me, also relates to the values rooted in the Bitcoin culture: no matter how comfortable or safe one may feel with their current condition, if something does not feel right, he/she should not be afraid to question it.
It is always important to go beyond the surface, to search for answers, to be true to yourself. It’s all a matter of the choices we make: to pretend and imprison ourselves in fakery or to think critically and analyze facts, ultimately freeing ourselves through observation and the decisions that follow.
In line with the preceding titles, let me put a few significant quotes from this film as well:
We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.
You can’t get any further away before you start coming back.
If his was more than just a vague ambition, if he was absolutely determined to discover the truth, there’s no way we could prevent him.
Despite certain minor drawbacks, such as a somewhat idealized reality or behaviors that might seem too melancholic for some, I think this film still deserves to be on the Bienma list. Its storyline encourages us not to follow the herd and to think for ourselves. Additionally, the real literary pieces featured in various scenes from authors like William Shakespeare, Robert Frost, and John Keats highlight the significant role that art, specifically the written word and literature, plays in our lives, no matter who we are or where we want to be, making an even stronger case for this title.
The plot also includes elements of rebellion and breaking stereotypes, as well as a narrative where institutions meant to educate and help shape our personalities actually become oppressors of our ambitions and dreams, acting more like factories producing clones with imposed thinking. By this, I mean schools. While it may be rare to find teachers in real life like the film’s John Keating (played by Robin Williams), the notion that the education system can be a tool for creating a dependent society is much closer to what we observe around us.
To further illustrate why I believe this film deserves to be considered linked with Bitcoin ethos here are a few quotes from it:
Savor language and words because no matter what anyone tells you, words and ideas have the power to change the world.
I always thought education was learning to think for yourself.
When you read, don’t just consider what the author thinks, consider what you think.
I’ll wrap up for now. Yet, I’d love to heart your thoughts. What do you think about the choice of these films? What else would you add to the argument about how they resonate with Bitcoiners? And please, let me know if you’d like another part of a similar article… because there’ll definitely be several more posts on this topic on the BFF’s social profiles. Stay tuned.
If you enjoyed this piece, send me some sats. No amount is small: aza21m@getalby.com