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Meet Maya Parbhoe, the Next Bitcoin President of Suriname 

“Bitcoin makes corruption completely impossible.”

“We’re focusing on replacing mortgages and rethinking the way people invest in and acquire real estate.”

“Replacing the Surinamese dollar with Bitcoin prevents corruption.”

“Once everyone starts earning in Bitcoin, you’ll see the prices in the supermarket go down.”

“We make it easier for people to invest in real estate and have community ownership.”

“Mortgage means death pledge, you’re basically paying it off over 15 to 30 years.”

“…my life is actually in danger at the moment. And I’m laughing about it, because I’ve already cried about it. I’ve already accepted, you know, like, am I willing to actually die for this cause?”

Watch the entire interview here:

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Maya will also appear at the first Bitcoin Conference in Colombia, Medellin. Find details at and bother the organizers about accepting the coupon code LOVEISBITCOIN for the tickets.

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