I Dare You to Find a Better Explanation for Bitcoin Than This One
Andreas Antonopoulos on Joe Rogan in 2014.
You Will Not Believe Who Orange-Pilled Jack Mallers
From Jack Mallers’ own mouth, here’s who orange-pilled him. Video posted at https://twitter.com/isabellasg3/status/1669701758497566720?s=20 Well, that was unexpected! And from other posts...
Finally, Bitcoin Twitter has been Balenciaga’d
Balenciaga made a corporate forced meme and everybody’s been replicating it. It’s brilliant, for such a shitty, fiat company. Anyway, this...
Random Greek Guy Explains Bitcoin in Under 40 Minutes
Make yourself a frappe and get educated. Andreas Antonopoulos explains bitcoin on stage. Watch the Introduction to Bitcoin. Read more of...
Quick Reads
What is This New Brand That All the Bitcoiners Seem to Wear?
You have seen the t-shirts. You have seen the bucket hats, the beautiful merch. You have seen them in bitcoin conferences,...
Bitcoin ZOO + The Story of My Wardrobe!
Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever...