Greenpeace, being the corporate thugs that they are, got paid by Ripple to make a hit piece against bitcoin. They abuse their green angle to attack bitcoin’s Proof of Work, the very thing that makes it special in their campaign to change the code.

Personally, I believe Greenpeace are corporate thugs that will be tried for crimes against humanity in the future but I digress, this is about the meme and the hilarious aftermath.
Watch the official video about Bitcoin’s E-Waste problem with nonsense arguments.
Electric when used for cars – GOOD AND CLEAN ✅
— RŌNIN (@ronin21btc) March 24, 2023
Electric when used for #Bitcoin – BAD AND DIRTY ❌ https://t.co/iqb9CCldPx
Von Wong was hired to make a FUD artwork and ended up creating the most METAL AS FUCK bitcoin artwork we’ve even seen.
Honestly, it’s amazing how fast we co-opted the new artwork and made it part of our culture.

Here’s a Goonies reference. Red Eyed Willy’s treasure is 6.25 BTC

Hodlnaut had a snarky but clever reply:
Greenpeace has a master plan to change bitcoin’s code. Here is the team that’s gonna make it happen:
Companies ✅
Government officials ✅
Crypto enthusiasts ✅
Climate activists ✅Can’t wait to read the BIP 😂
Good luck, guys!
And the memes keep pouring in.

! #Bitcoin

Free #Bitcoin art from @Greenpeace
I just wish @greenpeaceusa would make them in smaller size so i could put it in my living room
Bullish on #Bitcoin art. Even art made to attack Bitcoin makes it stronger, we can’t lose! 😂
New Profile Pic. Thank you @greenpeaceusa
Seriously, it’s beautiful
Found this super sick #Bitcoin art on the internet and I love it. Don’t forget to support your favorite Bitcoin artists 🙏🫂
Various bitcoiners
Our boss babe Lyn Alden gave them a more informed reply
No, that’s not how it works. I recommend reading this. https://www.lynalden.com/bitcoin-energy/
Lyn Alden
No, that’s not how it works. I recommend reading this.https://t.co/onZQHbLOrr
— Lyn Alden (@LynAldenContact) March 24, 2023
While many others, including Cory Klippsten from Swan Bitcoin used it as their new banner pic and/or profile pic.
Naturally we got two separate meme template threads.
Dig in for a laugh.
New meme template just dropped. #SkullofSatoshi
— æon | Covenants are coming (@aeonBTC) March 24, 2023
Best meme gets 10k sats. pic.twitter.com/SNynNQV1tj

What About the Artist?
The artist Von Wong, who seems like a pretty cool guy honestly tweeted that the responses have made him think about it a little bit more.
I rarely expect to find constructive conversations on the internet, but the DMs have been worth the heat. Learning a lot from @level39 , @DSBatten, and@thetrocro – BTC supporters AND environmentalists. Looking forward to more dialogue!
Von Wong
I rarely expect to find constructive conversations on the internet, but the DMs have been worth the heat.
— Von Wong (@thevonwong) March 24, 2023
Learning a lot from @level39 , @DSBatten, and @thetrocro – BTC supporters AND environmentalists. Looking forward to more dialogue! https://t.co/8LLPwpatxV
If you look at the behind the scenes photos, it’s amazing to see the Proof of Work that went behind all this. Ironic, I know.
Seriously, it’s been a crazy night. Which meme was your favourite or do you have one of yours to share?
Did you enjoy this story? Then send some sats to the author!
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