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This Artist Was Hired to Create a Hit Piece About Energy Waste and Bitcoiners Thought It Was Metal As Fuck
Bitcoin Art

This Artist Was Hired to Create a Hit Piece About Energy Waste and Bitcoiners Thought It Was Metal As Fuck 

Greenpeace, being the corporate thugs that they are, got paid by Ripple to make a hit piece against bitcoin. They abuse their green angle to attack bitcoin’s Proof of Work, the very thing that makes it special in their campaign to change the code.

Personally, I believe Greenpeace are corporate thugs that will be tried for crimes against humanity in the future but I digress, this is about the meme and the hilarious aftermath.

Watch the official video about Bitcoin’s E-Waste problem with nonsense arguments.

Von Wong was hired to make a FUD artwork and ended up creating the most METAL AS FUCK bitcoin artwork we’ve even seen.

Honestly, it’s amazing how fast we co-opted the new artwork and made it part of our culture.

Even our beloved Lina Seiche commented on it.

More like steamrolled them.
Thanks greenpeace for this awesome artwork of #bitcoin Fucking Metal

Here’s a Goonies reference. Red Eyed Willy’s treasure is 6.25 BTC

Hodlnaut had a snarky but clever reply:

Greenpeace has a master plan to change bitcoin’s code. Here is the team that’s gonna make it happen:

Companies ✅
Government officials ✅
Crypto enthusiasts ✅
Climate activists ✅

Can’t wait to read the BIP 😂
Good luck, guys!


And the memes keep pouring in.

I love this one
The last thing a central banker sees before they drift to irrelevance. Thank you @greenpeaceusa
! #Bitcoin
So cool. When T-Shirt?

Free #Bitcoin art from @Greenpeace

I just wish @greenpeaceusa would make them in smaller size so i could put it in my living room

Bullish on #Bitcoin art. Even art made to attack Bitcoin makes it stronger, we can’t lose! 😂

New Profile Pic. Thank you @greenpeaceusa

Seriously, it’s beautiful

Found this super sick #Bitcoin art on the internet and I love it. Don’t forget to support your favorite Bitcoin artists 🙏🫂

Various bitcoiners

Our boss babe Lyn Alden gave them a more informed reply

No, that’s not how it works. I recommend reading this.

Lyn Alden

While many others, including Cory Klippsten from Swan Bitcoin used it as their new banner pic and/or profile pic.

Naturally we got two separate meme template threads.

Dig in for a laugh.
And this thread, which cause a lot of my favourite memes.
The answer to life, the universe, everything.
Code is law. #Bitcoin

What About the Artist?

The artist Von Wong, who seems like a pretty cool guy honestly tweeted that the responses have made him think about it a little bit more.

I rarely expect to find constructive conversations on the internet, but the DMs have been worth the heat. Learning a lot from @level39 , @DSBatten, and@thetrocro – BTC supporters AND environmentalists. Looking forward to more dialogue!

Von Wong

If you look at the behind the scenes photos, it’s amazing to see the Proof of Work that went behind all this. Ironic, I know.

Seriously, it’s been a crazy night. Which meme was your favourite or do you have one of yours to share?

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