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Was the Orange Pill Congress Event a Success? (Part 6) 

Dennis Porter and Satoshi Action Fund organized the event.

On the 22nd of June, a fascinating event took place in Washington, DC. Spearheaded by the Orange Pill App with help from Geyserfund and the Satoshi Action Fund, the event aimed to raise money to supply 700 books about Bitcoin to Congressmen, Senators and their 2,000 staffers. The books were The Bitcoin Standard, Layered Money, and A Progressive’s Case For Bitcoin, which were all chosen for their clarity in describing the historical, economic, and investment related aspects of the revolutionary asset, Bitcoin.

A group of 20 Bitcoiners from all over the country attended in order to deliver the books.

The event was an incredible success, with the Bitcoin Community raising an impressive 25M Sats (approximately $7,700) through Geyserfund. On the day, a group of 20 Bitcoiners from around the country attended the event to deliver the books, and also to hold scheduled meetings with multiple Congressmen and Senators for longer sitdown talks.

Pro-Bitcoin Congressman Warren Davidson of Ohio, who gave a speech at the happy hour about the importance of Bitcoin for the future of liberty.

The day ended with an exciting additional surprise, whereby a Satoshi Action Fund organized happy hour was attended by Bitcoin-supportive Congressman Warren Davidson from Ohio. Congressman Davidson held a passionate speech to the room of staffers present about his thoughts on why he believed Bitcoin to be of utmost importance for the future of freedom and liberty.

Satoshi Action Fund’s Happy hour at the end of the day that was attended by staffers.

So, was the Orange Pill Congress event a success?

It’s safe to say the Bitcoin Book for Congress Initiative was a great success, and no doubt will be the first of its kind, with more events like these hopefully coming soon. The Bitcoin Community is becoming increasingly more influential and vociferous. Let’s see where it can take us.

Read up on this incredible bitcoin story here.

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