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Bitcoin Ethos

We Made a Sexy Meme of The Bitcoin Standard and Now 535 Copies Are Going to Every Member of Congress (Part 1) 

The timeline of events is as follows:

  1. Libby dug up this sexy meme we made last year and posted it.
  2. Orange Pill App made a challenge as a joke about Saifedean joining their app and them giving each member of Congress their own copy if he did.
  3. Saifedean didn’t bite.
  4. Libby suggested they throw a steak in the deal.
  5. Saifedean accepted.
  6. OPA went Oh Shit That’s a Lot of Money.
  7. Geyserfund offered to crowdfund this for them.
  8. And now it’s happening. From meme to reality, bitcoin twitter is that crazy. Yes sir.

Here’s a happy Saifedean enjoying his steak and ready to connect on OPA:

So, get on Geyserfund and throw in a few sats to support this wackiness.

Get on OPA and connect with Saifedean, just because you can. (No assurances you won’t get lectured at)

Sign up for the Orange Pill App.

And get yourself a copy of the Bitcoin Standard if you haven’t already.

Did you enjoy this story? Then send some sats to the author!

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