Vlad Costea finished outsourcing his new magazine! Bitcoin Takeover 3 is full of FUD-busting articles, plus a sweet advertisement I made. That’s Chrysanthi wearing Panties for Bitcoin, which you can get with the coupon code LOVEISBITCOIN for 10% off at loveisbitcoin.com/panties.
Read the digital version: https://bitcoin-takeover.com/btctkvr-3-breaking-fud/
Print your own: https://github.com/VladdyC/btctkvr-mag-3-2023
Buy a limited print from @Paralelni_polis: https://paralelnipolis.cz/en/shop/btctkvr-magazine-pizza-day-prague-2023-limited-edition/
In a few days, @shopinbit + @lnbits will also start selling special edition prints. I hope
@CryptoCloaks will do it too!
Vlad Costea
In short, you can:
- Read it online
- Print your own.
- Get it from the current shops
- And order it from Shopinbit when it’s available.
I’ve read the earlier magazines and the articles are very good. This one is focused on Breaking FUD, as the title says, meaning to dispel Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt surrounding bitcoin, whether it is legitimate concern or specific attacks meant to stop bitcoin. You can read the articles and send them to your family and friends so they can figure things out on their own, or simply arm yourself with knowledge so you can argue for bitcoin.
What are you waiting for? Read the magazine now.
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